“The Smarbles are stirring,” Antea Group writes about the promising development of the small, smart sensor ball called “Smarble“. Recently, developments have followed each other at a rapid pace and the Smarble was used in practice for the first time, at Jongia Mixing Technology in Leeuwarden.

About the Smarble
The Smarble is able to explore places that are difficult to access and is therefore extremely suitable for use in pipes, tanks and sewers. The ball takes all kinds of measurements, from temperature and speed to obstacles and chemical composition. This data is processed and is of great importance in, for example, the implementation of process optimisations. When an agitator is placed in the tank and the production process is running at full speed, it is usually quite difficult to measure process results. The Smarble will change this in the future.
Stirring needs careful attention
Antea cites whipping cream as an example. Stirring too short will not produce whipped cream, stirring too long will result in butter. In Antea’s article, director of Jongia Johan Postma explains:
“The trick is to find the optimum. An agitator can really make a difference in this case; by the position of the propellers, by the speed or the intensity of the stirring. Certainly on a large scale, every percent you improve is pure profit. But the market in which we operate is traditional. The mixing of liquids is often still based on experience, observation or linear upscaling. But who says this is the best way? We think that stirring can in many cases be smarter and more efficient. You just have to be able to demonstrate this.”
Johan Postma
And that is exactly what Antea Group and Jongia recently started: testing the Smarble during the production process in order to demonstrate how the process can become even better and more efficient. (Also read: the kickoff of the Liquidz project)
The Smarble to the Dutch Design Week
After an initial exploration at Jongia, the Smarble will be introduced during the Dutch Design Week next week. The first steps towards a major advance, because in our opinion the Smarble is definitely an invention that will change the market!
Do you want to know more? We will keep you informed. Follow us on LinkedIn or check this website frequently.

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