“Jongia in Leeuwarden loves to stir and mix. With industrial mixers, the company sets things in motion worldwide. Milk, orange juice, beer, oil, detergent or fertilizer: at Jongia they don’t turn their hand to it.”
Made in Fryslân wrote a wonderful article about Jongia.
They are sometimes towering mixers and occasionally they are not much bigger than one from the kitchen. But most of all, there is no one the same. Jongia’s industrial stirring and mixing equipment is custom designed. “That’s where our strength lies,” says director Johan Postma (48).
“Customization, that’s where our strength lies” The Leeuwarden-based company has a niche in its hands. It’s all about the thinking and the technology behind such a mixer. The requirements for stirring milk are very different from those for, say, orange juice, chocolate, body lotion, or blood. And with gases, it’s a matter of caution. In large tanks holding a million liters of orange juice, it is Jongia’s industrial stirring elements that provide movement. Paint, ice cream and potato starch factories have mixers from Leeuwarden. A whole row of international concerns like AkzoNobel, Unilever, Shell, Heineken and Nestlé know their way to Friesland.
Proudly, Postma shows off a novelty: a magnet-driven agitator.
Distinctive, because the bacteria don’t attach. Rinse it off and it’s clean. A godsend for the highly regulated food industry. The laptop shows an almost four-minute video on YouTube. “This is the new market approach,” he notes.
Jongia is a household name worldwide. Postma: “I am proud when people in India say: ‘You have to be with Jongia'” He draws good expectations from this and hopes to grow significantly abroad in the coming years. Certainly in Asia. The goal is to increase the annual growth of 10 percent from the last four years to 15 percent in the coming years. Already, foreign countries are of the utmost importance to Jongia. Over 60 percent of the equipment made goes across the border. The company is a good example of how the Frisian provincial government would like to see it: more innovation and more export. The new strategy is sharply focused. It is not primarily about products, it should be about coming up with the best solutions. “For Jongia’s future, this is important. Otherwise you won’t make it,” Postma clarifies. At Jongia, they don’t have mixers on the shelf. “We listen to our customers first and then put our knowledge and expertise to use.”
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