The decision to buy a particular brand of mixing equipment is often based on price along with requirements from the production process as part of a capital expenditure trajectory (CAPEX). Usually too little attention is being paid to the so-called operational expenditures (OPEX) which can run 5 times as high as the CAPEX. Jongia is approaching and engineering mixer projects to provide the customers the lowest possible TCO with the best possible process result.
The question is whether the end user is sufficiently made aware of this and base their decisions on TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) aspects such as investment, energy consumption, maintenance costs, durability in relation to the machine itself as well as the environment, etc. Although Jongia doesn’t pretend to be all knowing and neither are our clients and sub-suppliers, we do aim at helping them find the right balance based on the expertise of all parties involved. Starting the process/mechanical discussions and aiming for lowest TCO in an early stage of a project provides the customer with the best possible results in terms of process and cost.
Reference case Salinen
Witness the case of Salinen, the Austrian based salt producer, where Jongia in close cooperation Titan Projects helped to cut down on investment, energy consumption, maintenance and made the production efficiency much higher. This has resulted in a CAPEX reduction of € 1.800.000,= and an OPEX reduction of € 230.000,= yearly.
To read the full story, please click here.
Jongia’s results at Salinen aroused the interest of Russia’s biggest salt producer, Russalt. Competing with the world’s leading mixer manufacturer Jongia was granted the project. Even though the CAPEX was slightly higher Russalt was convinced that Jongia would provide them with considerably lower OPEX and therefore much higher operational profit.
Interested in our expertise and the added value we can provide? Please contact us.
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Tom Pruymboom
Sales Director
Area Worldwide

Bart Brouwer
Area Sales Manager
Area Worldwide
Technical Questions?

Sijko van der Veen
Application Engineer
Technical Specialist

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