Fraud Blocker Jongia receives own large order from LLC Russalt, the No. 1 among
Jongia receives own large order from LLC Russalt, the No. 1 among salt producers

Jongia receives own large order from LLC Russalt, the No. 1 among salt producers

LLC “Russalt” was founded in August 2008. Despite the short time since its establishment, the company is the largest private salt producer in the Russian Federation. As a result of reorganizations, the company is the legal successor of the oldest salt production companies, in particular OJSC “Iletsk” (Orenburg region, Sol-Iletsk), OJSC “Bassol” (Astrakhan region, settlement Nizhniy Baskunchak), LLC “Usolskiy “(Usolye-Sibirskoye). The production units of LLC “Russalt” are located in the old salt mining companies with more than a hundred years of development history.

The company mines, produces and sells food, industrial and balneological salts. LLC “Russalt” operates salt plants in Iletskiy (deposits for rock salt), in Baskunchakskiy and in Usolkiy (deposits for common salt). In a short time they managed to build the reputation of a safe partner.


Russalt is an ambitious salt producer in Russia that is constantly working to improve and modernize its production facilities for efficient salt production. In 2015, Russalt received a visit from a team of engineers from Salinen Salz in Ebensee, Austria, to discuss process improvements for one of Russalt’s production facilities in Siberia. Based on the very good experience, Salinen recommended that Russalt contact Jongia to discuss our agitation technology.

Jongia receives own large order from LLC Russalt, the No. 1 among salt producers

In early 2015, Jongia delivered its particularly innovative agitators to Salinen Salz in Ebensee. These were installed there and exchanged against the agitators of a well-known competitor to improve the process. The Jongia agitators produced excellent results, such as a reduction of previous batch times in the same reactors by more than 50%. This has saved Salinen huge investments in new equipment, reduced operating costs and allowed the company to expand its production with the existing reactor volume.

For the new greenfield project in Novomoskovsk (Tula region), Russalt turned to Jongia, which was very pleased to support Russalt with its technology and know-how. For the agitators, Jongia worked according to the specific requirements of the engineering team for the Russalt project, using the design parameters of the Salinen project and their process results as a basis.

After several discussions and the visit of Johan Postma (Managing Director Jongia) and Bart Brouwer (International Sales Manager) to the new headquarters in Orenburg in December 2015, Russalt awarded the contract to Jongia in the final negotiations.
Jongia was assisted on site by its Russian representative and business partner Peja International, based in Moscow.

Jongia is very proud of this large order and will deliver the agitators in August 2016.

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