RWZI Bath of Waterschap Brabantse Delta will benefit from Jongia’s unique mixing concept! Via Aan de Stegge in Goor Jongia Mixing Technology will supply the mixers for revamping the existing digesters. The mixing concept has been successfully implemented for many years in the industrial digester market world-wide. For the Dutch communal market it is a first! Jongia’s unique technology guarantees a better gas yield and prevents a foam and floating layer while keeping sedimentation on the vessel bottom to an absolute minimum.
Aan de Stegge, contractor for the project, aims to offer its clients added value! In this particular case they deviated from the specs in the tender, instead proposing a superior concept. Through supplying Jongia mixers Aan de Stegge provides Waterschap Brabantse Delta with operational efficiency and relability for a minimum of 15 years with the lowest TCO and maximum process results.
Aan de Stegge, contractor for the project, aims to offer its clients added value! In this particular case they deviated from the specs in the tender, instead proposing a superior concept. Through supplying Jongia mixers Aan de Stegge provides Waterschap Brabantse Delta with operational efficiency and relability for a minimum of 15 years with the lowest TCO and maximum process results.

Jongia supplies top entry mixers for numerous innovative fermenter projects. Our vast experience, know-how, process knowledge, innovative capacities and reliable mixers are greatly valued by clients such as:
- Aben Aben Recycling in Wanroy NL (8 square digester compartiments of ca. 4.000 m3 each in a rectangular tank)
- Aben Recycling Westdorpe NL (9 digesters of 9.000 m3 and 4 hydrolysis/mixing tanks of 2.500 m3)
- Ephyra vergister of Royal Haskoning DHV in Tollebeek NL (3 compartiments digester)
- Biogas Leeuwarden of Oosterhof Holman in Leeuwarden (digesting of chipped wood and grass)
- Croda in Gouda NL (digesting only glycerine)
- Orgaworld Amsterdam NL (Greenmills project Europe’s largest wet biomassa installation)
- Energen Biogas in Cumbernauld Schotland (UK’s largest industrial digester installation)
- Van de Groep in Spakenburg NL (digesting of fish offal etc.)
- Darling/Ecoson in Denderleeuw Belgium (digesting of slaughter offal)
- In addition we’ve supplied mixers for digesters through third parties in the USA, UK, Phillipines, Seychellen, Palestine, Greece, Rumenia, Serbia, Puerto Rico, Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Estonia, France, Belgium, Bulgaria etc.
Contact our specialized team for all your questions

Bart Brouwer
Area Sales Manager
Area Worldwide
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