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Jongia delivering unique top entering agitator technology for the biogas market to Thorsø Biogas

Jongia delivering unique top entering agitator technology for the biogas market to Thorsø Biogas

Jongia Mixing Technology is very proud to deliver our unique top entering agitator technology for the biogas market to Thorsø Biogas as being the first company in the Danish Biogas market which will implement our top entry biogas agitator technology.

ThorsØ Biogas is built in 1994. Their manure feedstock of 170.000 ton liquid and 10.000 ton solid yearly is supplied by 43 suppliers/members. After anaearobic treatment where a great part of the organic is currently transformed into 6 million m3 biogas per year and the digestate goes back on the fields as fertilizer. The produced biogas is mainly sold to the ThorsØ District Heating. Part is used for own electricity and heating via a CHP system. ThorsØ Biogas is optimizing and expending their facility in 2020.

Jongia Mixing Technology is the Dutch market leader since 1937 and will deliver 1 top entry agitator for an existing 6.000 m3 digester to replace an existing top entry agitator and 2 top entry agitators for 2 new 3.000 m3 digesters.

The unique features of our agitator with special hydrofoil propellers in combination with the rest stirrer will result in the best mass transfer i.e. transfer of organic material into biogas and prevent a floating layer and sedimentation to an absolute minimum.

Want to know more?

For further info contact Bart Brouwer.

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jongia mixing techology team Sijko

Sijko van der Veen

Application Engineer

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