Fraud Blocker Tutorial: How does the Gas Inducing Mixer work?
Gas Inducing Mixer

Tutorial: How does the Gas Inducing Mixer work?

Jongia Mixing Technology designed the Gas Inducing Mixer to dissolve gas in liquid in order to achieve a (chemical/biochemical) reaction. The mixer is most commonly used in hydrogenation (curing) processes and especially for hydrogenation of fats (acids) in the food industry. In this week’s tutorial, we want to show you how the Gas Inducing Mixer works and why it is of great value in the mixing process and for ensuring the quality of your product.

Want to know more?

As with all mixing processes, the mixing of gases with liquids requires a specific approach. Jongia Mixing Technology has the knowledge and experience to give you full advice in this field. Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Gas Inducing Mixer

Tutorial: How does the Gas Inducing Mixer work?

Jongia Mixing Technology designed the Gas Inducing Mixer to dissolve gas in liquid in order to achieve a (chemical/biochemical) reaction. The mixer is most commonly used in hydrogenation (curing) processes and especially for hydrogenation of fats (acids) in the food

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Gas Inducing Mixer

Gas Inducing Mixer: an unique design

Dissolving gas in liquid is not an easy task. This is exactly the reason why Jongia Mixing Technology developed its own Gas Inducing Mixer. The mixer is designed to make a gas/liquid dispersion. This means dissolving the gas in a

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