Fuel blending is a critical component of biodiesel production. A properly blended fuel can increase energy efficiency, reduce emissions and improve performance. However, it can be difficult to achieve consistent fuel quality during blending due to differences in storage tanks, pumps, piping, etc.
Most important of blending Biodiesels in storage tanks is to homogenize the mixture and keep the temperature equal throughout the tank volume.
For such a duty, Jongia Mixing Technology often selects its well know Propeller as mixing element. The propeller has a very efficient hydrodynamic throughput and is able to bring the volume of the tank in motion with a single 3-bladed propeller of sufficient diameter.
Jongia’s portfolio includes Top-Entry mixers with propellers as well as Side-entering mixers with a large propeller or a combination of multiple mixers as set-up.
When using a side-entering mixer, it is of high importance that the sealing of the shaft through the tank wall is without any leakage of the tank content. For this many complex multiple sealing systems are available. These sealing systems however are not always guaranteed free of leakage!
Jongia Mixing Technology has developed it’s Magitator magnetic mixer system for this specific purpose and has put research in the development of a very powerful magnet which is able to drive a large propeller, suitable for large storage tanks. By doing so, Jongia Mixing Technology has developed a total leakage free mixer type which defeats all the complex mechanical seal constructions and guarantees zero leakage!
Zero leakage; this unique selling point brings Jongia to the top of the market with innovative mixing solutions.

Did you know that you can receive a subsidy (in NL) for the application of magnetic coupled agitators? Jongia is able to show you how!
If you are interested in zero leakage and would like to know more about Jongia’s Magitator magnetic mixer system, please contact us at info@jongia.com, or give us a call at: +3158-2139715
If you want to have more information about the Jongia’s Magitator magnetic mixer, please visit the Magitator magnetic mixer page.
Contact our specialized team for all your questions

Bart Brouwer
Area Sales Manager
Area Worldwide

Sijko van der Veen
Application Engineer
Technical Specialist

Tutorial: How does the Magitator work?
To keep dairy or starch products homogeneous, the Jongia Mixing Technology Magitator, a magnet-driven agitator, is the right choice. In addition, this agitator maintains vegetable oil or juices at the right temperature. In this tutorial we show you how the

The Jongia Magitator: The solution for zero emission and leakage free mixing!
Side-entry agitators and mixers in the product range of Jongia Mixing Technology are the best fit for applications such as keeping dairy or starch products homogenous or keeping vegetable oil or juice storage on the right temperature. For these applications

The Jongia Magitator: A multi-purpose magnetic agitator
To keep dairy or starch products homogeneous, the Jongia Mixing Technology Magitator, a magnet-driven agitator, is the right choice. In addition, this agitator maintains vegetable oil or juices at the right temperature. USP’s of the Magitator Opting for the Magitator