Fraud Blocker The Jet mixer: the solution for the dissolving of solids
Jet mixer

The Jet mixer: the solution for the dissolving of solids

The Jet mixer is an efficient solids dissolver. It is designed for ergonomic use and is easy to maintain. Mainly customers in the food industry, and especially the dairy industry, use it to their advantage. They use the Jet mixer to dissolve a variety of solids in liquids. This includes starch, powdered milk, sweeteners and flavor additives. However, where else in the process from request to solution does Jongia Mixing Technology recommend implementing the Jet mixer?

When to apply the Jet mixer

When solids need to be added to liquids before they reach the tank or when one kind of solid needs to be divided over multiple tanks, the Jet mixer is the ideal solution. If a customer wants to dissolve solids in fluids, Jongia Mixing Technology will examine the best way to do this. Frequently asked questions are: Which solids are involved? Is the system suitable for this mixing process? And which pump is needed? However, when it comes to the Jet mixer, another question arises: What are the facilities behind the Jet mixer? An advantage of the Jet mixer is that it is a static device with a venturi chamber in which the solids are sucked in. However, this does lower the pressure right after the venturi chamber. Therefore, it is necessary to have appropriate piping behind the venturi chamber. The pressure coming from the venturi chamber needs to be greater than the resistance encountered by the fluids on its way to the tank. A centrifugal pump is therefore necessary to boost the Jet mixer in its function.

Test units are of great value

How solids react when mixed with certain fluids, is not always known. Additionally, there are many different kinds of solids in even more gradations and grain sizes. Jongia Mixing Technology’s test units are therefore very important and useful for finding the perfect solution. During a test, critical aspects in the process are identified. For instance, the flow of the solid or the viscosity of the product. If necessary, Jongia Mixing Technology will recommend to modify the installation.

USP’s of the Jet mixer

A big advantage of the Jet mixer is that it makes the mixing process ergonomically ideal for the user, because the solids can be poured in at ground level. The user doesn’t have to work at heights to dispense the solid via, for example, a bigbagsystem on top of the tank. In addition, the Jet mixer makes it easy to keep wet and dry substances separated and it decreases dust formation. Because the solid is not poured directly into the tank, the customer can always choose a place where it’s most convenient, depending on where the Jet mixer is positioned. Moreover, the machine requires little maintenance.

Want to know more?

The process from problem to solution is always individually tailored to each customer. Jongia Mixing Technology has the knowledge and experience to give you full advice in this field. Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

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jongia mixing techology team Sijko

Sijko van der Veen

Application Engineer

Technical Specialist


Sijko van der Veen explaining the jet mixer

Jetmixer tutorial

Tutorial: How does the Jet mixer work?

When it’s important that solids are homogeneously dissolved in liquids before the solids enter the tank, the Jet mixer is an addition to the mixing process. The Jet mixer efficiently dissolves solids. In this tutorial we want to show you

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