Fraud Blocker U-Z Turbine - Jongia Mixing Technology

U-Z Turbine Mixing Element

Arms and legs, a ribbon, a combination of an anchor and an axial flow turbine…

What is not said about the UZ Turbine mixing element? Obviously, if the UZ mixing element has a very recognizable shape, then it must also be a very special mixing element. And so it is!

U-Z Turbine

The UZ mixing element contains the following properties:

  • It can Thrust, Scoop and Pump.
  • This is ideal for medium viscous liquids
  • It has a constant power input regardless of the liquid level
  • It is characterized by a large ratio between mixing element diameter and tank diameter
  • It is usually positioned decentralized and does not require baffles
  • Because of the low required rotations, it is also used on fragile products
  • The tip speed is low, the shear is low, because of the shape and therefore there is also a relatively low power consumption as a result
  • The arms and legs cover almost the entire cylinder that the agitator occupies
  • Ideal for use during tank emptying and filling, this agitator can just keep running on the liquid level
  • It is a good alternative for the “Gate” agitator element
  • Despite the fairly large surface of the agitator elements, it is easy to clean due to its shape, as there are virtually no blind spots in Jongia Mixing Technology’s design
  • It is often used in the dairy industry, such as for yogurt or pro-biotic drinks
U-Z Turbine Mixing Element

Tutorial U-Z Turbine Mixing Element

To explain the working principle of the Jongia UZ-Mixing Element, we have created a tutorial to learn more about the Jongia UZ Mixing Element. Arms and legs, a ribbon, a combination of an anchor and an axial flow turbine…  What

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