To explain the working principle of the Jongia UZ-Mixing Element, we have created a tutorial to learn more about the Jongia UZ Mixing Element.
Arms and legs, a ribbon, a combination of an anchor and an axial flow turbine… What can we say about the UZ mixing element?
The UZ mixing element has a very recognizable shape, so it has to be a very special mixing element. And so it is!

Want to know more about our U-Z Mixing Element?
As with all mixing processes, mixing with a specific agitator requires a targeted approach. Jongia Mixing Technology has the knowledge and experience to give you full advice in this field. Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us.
Or please visit visit the U-Z Turbine product page for further information about this unique mixing element.

The face behind: Sales Engineer Sijko van der Veen
Every month we introduce you to one of the professionals who are a part of Jongia Mixing Technology. This week we want to introduce you to Sijko van der Veen. Sijko is a Sales Engineer and guides the customer through
Contact our specialized team for all your questions

Tom Pruymboom
Sales Director
Area Worldwide

Bart Brouwer
Area Sales Manager
Area Worldwide
Technical Questions?

Sijko van der Veen
Application Engineer
Technical Specialist
Mixing Element Tutorials

Tutorial: Rushton Turbine vs Concave Turbine
We are happy to announce on behalf of Jongia Mixing Technology that we have just launched a new tutorial on our website! This time, we take you into the world of mixing technology with an in-depth comparison between the “Rusthon

Tutorial: starch gelatinization – from raw starch to glucose syrup
Around the world, Jongia Mixing Technology has initiated numerous mixing processes using its agitators to produce modifications from raw starch and convert them into usable products. An example of a product where raw starch is one of the constituents is

Tutorial: Batch Crystallization
Jongia Mixing Technology has initiated countless mixing processes all over the world with the help of her agitators. In a number of these mixing processes, crystallization is of great importance to obtain the desired final product. In this tutorial, Area